음식 2011. 10. 21. 04:18

Sfiha, lahm bi`ajin,Sfihah

Sfihah (Arabic: صفيحة‎ sfīḥah) or lahm bi`ajin (Arabic: لحم بعجين‎ laḥm bi‘ajīn), also known as 'Arab' or 'Chaldean' Pizza, is a pizza-like dish originating from the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Iraq), and introduced in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina by Levantine immigrants.In contrast to the modern use of lamb or beef, traditional sfiha are open-faced meat pies made with ground mutton. Historically, sfiha were much like dolma- simply ground lamb, lightly spiced, wrapped in brined grape leaves. In Brazil, sfihas are folded into a triangular pastry, although the open-faced version is very common too.Sfiha is a pizza-like dish eaten in the Levant. The dish originates in Syria. They are also very popular in Brazil and Argentina due to the presence of a large Levantine community.Balade 208 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10009-3705(212) 529-6868 ‎[mappress mapid="5"]

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