음식 2011. 9. 16. 04:59

Hainanese chicken rice

Hainanese chicken rice is a common dish in Thailand where it is called khao man kai (Thai: ข้าวมันไก่), literally meaning 'oiled rice chicken'. The chickens used in Thailand for this dish can be free range chickens of local breeds, resulting in a leaner and tastier dish, but increasingly meat chickens from large scale poultry farms are being used. Khao man kai is served with a garnish of cucumbers and sometimes chicken blood tofu and fresh coriander, along with a bowl of clear chicken broth. The sauce accompanying this dish is made with tauchu (also known as yellow soybean paste), thick soy sauce, chilli, ginger, garlic and vinegar. In many of the more traditional khao man kai eateries, this dish will only be available until lunchtime.

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