음식 2011. 9. 22. 13:03


Couscous (play /ˈkʊskʊs/ or /ˈkuːskuːs/) is a North African and Sicilian dish of semolina traditionally served with a meat or vegetable stew spooned over it. Couscous is a staple food throughout West Africa, the Sahel, France, Spain, the Canary Islands, Portugal, Madeira, Brazil, Italy (particularly in western Sicily's province of Trapani), as well as in Turkey, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, the Middle East and India.The semolina is sprinkled with water and rolled with the hands to form small pellets, sprinkled with dry flour to keep them separate, and then sieved. Any pellets which are too small to be finished granules of couscous and fall through the sieve will be again rolled and sprinkled with dry semolina and rolled into pellets. This process continues until all the semolina has been formed into tiny granules of couscous. This process is very labour-intensive. In the traditional method of preparing couscous, groups of women would come together and make large batches over several days.These would then be dried in the sun and used for several months. Couscous was traditionally made from the hard part of the durum, the part of the grain that resisted the grinding of the relatively primitive millstone. In modern times, couscous production is largely mechanized, and the product is sold in markets around the world.In the Sahelian countries of West Africa, such as Mali and Senegal, pearl millet is pounded or milled to the size and consistency necessary for the couscous.A couscoussiere, a traditional steamer for couscous.Properly cooked couscous is light and fluffy, not gummy or gritty. Traditionally, North Africans use a food steamer (called a كسكس kiskas in Arabic or a couscoussiere in French). The base is a tall metal pot shaped rather like an oil jar in which the meat and vegetables are cooked as a stew. On top of the base, a steamer sits where the couscous is cooked, absorbing the flavours from the stew. The lid to the steamer has holes around its edge so steam can escape. It is also possible to use a pot with a steamer insert. If the holes are too big the steamer can be lined with damp cheesecloth. There is little archaeological evidence of early diets including couscous, possibly because the original couscoussiere was probably made from organic materials which could not survive extended exposure to the elements.

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