이름 2011. 5. 16. 07:16

opal,보석, 돌,귀중한 돌. 영어이름. 영국이름. 산...

Local Origin of Name: English
From the Sanskrit name Opal

Meaning: ‘Upala’ (‘stone’); the name of a precious stone

Emotional Spectrum ? A built-in steam valve keeps the heat down!
Personal Integrity ? Moral backbone is the hallmark of Opal.
Personality ? Doesn’t rush, but gets there.
Relationships ? Makes friends easily, but keeps her eyes open!
Travel & Leisure ? Lives for the weekends!
Career & Money ? Opal knows how to balance career and family.
Life’s Opportunities ? Only she holds the key to her happiness.
Opal’s Lucky Numbers: 22 ?53 ?18 ? 21 ? 54 ? 44


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