별난일들 2013. 6. 13. 04:04

Valeria Lukyanova as the Human Barbie

 Valeria Lukyanova is best known to the world as the "Human Barbie." The model who dressed up looks incredibly similar to the Barbie dolls that most girls grew up with is now fight charges that she is digitally changing her look in photographs. That’s right some are suggesting that the human Barbie is a fake and on Monday the blogger world has demanded the model come forward to explain how she looks like a Barbie doll. 

"Many people say bad things about people who want to perfect themselves,” said Valeria Lukyanova in V Magazine. “It's hard work, but they dismiss it as something done by surgeons or computer artists.” valeria-lukyanova4-300x236 The focus of proving Valeria Lukyanova used enhancements to look like a human Barbie sounds ridiculous because it is. Even if Lukyanova admitted to using surgery (not that she has) it still doesn’t change the fact that the woman looks like a Barbie doll. Plus she is quite pleased with her look, so who is anyone to judge as long as she is happy.