음식 2011. 11. 10. 09:18


  Rouladen are a German meat roulade usually consisting of bacon, onions, mustard and pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef which is then cooked. In some countries, the roulade is also known as "beef olive". Beef or veal is used as meat though some food scholars tend to believe that the original version was probably venison or pork, and pork is still popular in some areas. The beef rouladen as we know them today have become popular over the last century. The cut is usually Topside Beef or Silverside since this is the cheaper cut. The more expensive version would be the round steak, also known asrump steak. The meat is cut into large, thin slices. The filling is a mixture of smoked and cooked pork belly, chopped onions and chopped pickles which is at times varied by adding minced meat, sausage meat and pine nuts. The mixture varies from region to region. Rouladen are traditionally served for dinner. Red wine is often served with this dish. In preparation, in the simplest of terms, hot mustard is spread onto the thin slices of meat and the prepared filling mixture is added on top. The meat and filling is then rolled up to a traditional elongated shape similar to a cigar. A thread, toothpick, or a specialized clamp is used to hold the roll together. The rouladen are first seared in a roasting dish together with carrots, celery, onions and bacon until they are nicely browned and the vegetables are somewhat caramelized. Red wine or beer and chicken or vegetable stock is then added, then slowly braised until the meat is tender. The braising takes between one and two hours depending on the meat and preferences. Traditionally the pan was covered and placed on a raised iron mount in front of an open fireplace for the braising period. The height of the iron mount and the distance from the fire determined the temperature of the braise. Today you either put the dish into an oven with the lid on at 175 °C or leave the dish on the stove at low temperatures and gently simmer until the meat is tender. The Rouladen are then removed and some more beer, red wine or vegetable stock is added to the liquid. When the liquid is added, it lifts the flavor from the bottom of the dish to make a sauce for the meat. This liquid is reduced and then thickened to a gravy. The rouladen are then returned to the gravy and gently reheated. Blaue Gans Restaurant 139 Duane Street, New York, NY 10013-3845.(212) 571-8880 ‎ kg-ny.com [mappress mapid="18"]

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