이름 2011. 10. 20. 05:35

Phillip, Philip

 Philip is a given name, derived from the Greek Philippos (Φίλιππος), meaning "friend of horses". A common mistake is to translate the name as "lover of horses". From φίλος (philos) "lover" and ίππος (hippos) "horse"

 Local Origin of Name: English
From the Greek name Philip
 Meaning: 'Philippos' ('lover of horses') Matthew 10:3 
Emotional Spectrum Not known to express his emotions openly.
 Personal Integrity • His honor is his best attribute.
 Personality Glows with enthusiasm. 
Relationships •While crowds are fun, he needs his alone time.
 Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Phillip.
 Career & Money • A born actor, he will find Hollywood attractive! 
Life's Opportunities • With the support of many friends, he will go far.Phillip's Lucky Numbers: 35 •43 • 25 • 12 • 40 • 23http://www.firstnamestore.com/?p=1262

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