이름 2011. 12. 6. 22:35


BotanLocal Origin of Name:  JapaneseFrom the Japanese name BotanMeaning: 'Peony' Emotional Spectrum His happiest  times are with his loved ones. Personal Integrity • Nothing  can buy his good name.Personality Nothing is rarer than a good nature. Relationships •His best friends take him as he is.Travel & Leisure • He will find it hard to wind-down on vacation.  Career & Money • He has a natural  business sense, and will go far.Life's Opportunities Destined for greatness, nothing  can hold back this gifted  person.Botan's Lucky Numbers: 16 •19 •45 • 47 • 3 • 54http://www.firstnamestore.com/?p=8732#axzz1ffc8EQOJ

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