음식 2011. 7. 3. 12:13

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 Mandu are dumplings in Korean cuisine. First brought to Korea by the Mongols, they are similar to pelmeni and pierogi in some Slavic cultures. The name is a cognate to the names of similar types of meat-filled dumplings in Central Asia, such as Turkish manti, Kazakh manty, and Uzbek manti. In Korean cuisine, mandu generally denotes a type of filled dumplings similar to the Mongolian buuz and Turkish mantı, and some variations are similar to the Chinese jiaozi and the Japanese gyoza. If the dumplings are grilled or fried, they are called gunmandu (군만두); when steamed jjinmandu (찐만두); and when boiled, mulmandu (물만두). Mandu are usually served with a dipping sauce made of soy sauce and vinegar.

  • Mulmandu, the word itself means "water mandu" since it is boiled.
  • Gunmandu is pan-fried mandu, it's sometimes called by its Japanese name, yakimandu.
  • Jjinmandu is steamed, either in a traditional bamboo steamer or modern versions.
  • Gullin mandu (굴린만두), or called gulmandu is a variety of mandu in a ball shape without a covering. It is mainly eaten in summer.
  • Pyeonsu (편수), mandu stuffed with vegetables in a rectangular shape. It is mainly eaten in summer and a local specialty of Kaesong, North Korea.
  • Eomandu, mandu wrapped with sliced fish fillet. It was originally eaten in Korean royal court and yangban (noble class families.
  • Saengchi mandu (생치만두), mandu stuffed with pheasant meat, beef, and tofu, that was eaten in Korean royal court and in the Seoul area during winter.
  • Seognyu mandu (석류만두), literally "pomegranate dumpling" because of the shape.
  • Somandu (소만두), mandu stuffed with only vegetables, that was originally eaten in Buddhist temples.
  • Gyuasang (규아상), mandu stuffed with shredded cucumber and minced beef in the shape of sea cucumber. It is mainly eaten in summer.
Kimchi mandu, the stuffing contains kimchi. The addition of kimchi gives it a spicier taste compared to other mandu

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